Jude Coram Design

case study:

Western Treeworks

services: web design, vehicle design

software: wordpress, elementor

Industry: agriculture, local business

I was contacted by Devon tree surgeon and arborist, Bruce from Western Treeworks. He was looking for a revamp for his previous website, some new advertising material, and a new design for his work van. Bruce and his team provide their services to customers all over Devon and wanted an easy way for customers to find them and contact them quickly.

the design

The first task was to set up the domain name from the previous website and help setup the hosting for the new site. I liaised with the previous designer and was able to get to the design work straight away. The first thing I do on most websites I develop and design, is to install WordPress on the hosting. WordPress is the perfect platform for simple, clean, and fast websites that are great for search engines too. I’ve been using it for over 10 years now, and am constantly inspired and amazed by new innovations and functionality. We both met up to discuss the site and what Bruce hoped to accomplish. It was decided that a single page website would be the best option. These give customers the information they need quickly and makes all content nice and straightforward.

Bruce recently had a photographer follow him about his daily work. He was given a gallery of these photos that I was able to use in the design of the site. These photos are fantastic and in some cases almost cinematic. They were so good, I felt the site should try and show off these images as best as it could. They give a superb first impression of the quality of Western Treework’s work and catch the eye immediately.

Western Treeworks WordPress One Page Website
Large, cinematic images were used to draw the eye

The next task was arranging all the information in a way that was easy to read, but also attractive and thematic. The logo for Western Treeworks is a great tree motif. I used this to denote the different services offered as well as an extra graphic in the background. I also used the colour palette from the logo throughout the site.

Services section of the website

I then added different sections showing the customer reviews including pictures of the work done, information about Bruce and his qualifications, as well as a contact section with links to email and phone numbers. All sections on the site were added to a top menu that allows clients to easily get to the part of the page they are most interested in. The new site is easy to use, easy to read, and easy on the eye. All things I strive for in my website designs.

As well as the website, Bruce also needed new decals for his new work van. He wanted it to stand out from the crowd and advertise the business in a fun and vibrant way. I really enjoyed creating the design for his van, and was even happier seeing it come to fruition.

Western Tree Works Van Decal Design
Western Treeworks Van Design Conecpt
Western Treeworks Van Design
The finished and painted van

final thoughts

It’s been great to work with Bruce to help him solidify his online presence as well as his presence on the road. The site is easy to navigate and gives potential clients all the information they need without having to hunt for it. All contact options are front and centre and should create more leads for Bruce and his team with potential work in the area. I wish Bruce all the best with his work, and judging by the brilliant photos of his previous jobs, I can heartily recommend his services.